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World War Missions Guide

Missions Overview
Missions are a way to earn money and gain experience. Every mission has a different prerequisite that may include:
  • Minimum Energy
  • Minimum Alliance Members
  • Minimum Units
Completing a mission earns you a random amount of money (based on a range) and a set number of Experience Points. Additionally, some missions offer a random chance of obtaining a looted unit.

Missions Strategy
One thing to keep in mind is that units used in missions are also subject to loss as casualties. This is important to consider as the cost of replacing some of the higher priced units used in a mission may exceed the money earned from the mission itself.

In general, if your goal is to maximize money from missions, then focus on the Money / Energy value of the mission. If your goal is to maximize experience points, then focus on the Exp / Energy value of the missions.

It is worth noting that "Scout Out Enemy" requires only 35 energy but offers one of the best Exp / Energy values. Depending on your playing strategy, it may not make sense to invest additional skill points in energy.

Missions Table
The following is a list of available Missions in World War.


Updated Names of Mission Tabs (varies depending on what country you are):
Your Country USA UK Germany China Russia
Tab #1 Americas Europe Europe East Asia Balkans
Tab #2 Europe Atlantic Balkans South Asia East Asia
Tab #3 Africa Balkans Africa Africa Europe
Tab #4 Pacific Africa Atlantic Pacific Atlantic
Tab #5 East Asia Americas Americas Americas Americas
Tab #6 Atlantic Pacific Pacific Atlantic Pacific
Tab #7 Baltic Sea Oceania Oceania Baltic Sea Oceania
Tab #8 Siberia S. Asia S. Asia Europe S. Asia
Tab #9 S. Asia E. Asia E. Asia Siberia Siberia

Updated Mission Mastery:
Location Rank 1 Rank 2
Tab #1 3 Skill Points Precision Guided Munitions: Deals 8% more damage to opponents in fights
Tab #2 5 Skill Points Military Advanced R&D: Add 5% to "Chance of Loot"
Tab #3 6 Skill Points Mercenary Arms Merchant: Get 5% discount on Unit purchases
Tab #4 6 Skill Points MASH Unit: Get 50% discount on Restore Health
Tab #5 6 Skill Points USO Package: 30 seconds reduction on Energy timer
Tab #6 6 Skill Points Mercenary Ammo Reserves: 20 seconds reduction on Ammo timer
Tab #7 6 Skill Points C-40 Clipper Troop Transport: 5% chance to not use Energy in Missions
Tab #8 6 Skill Points Macho Bandolier: 10% chance to not use Ammo in Battle
Tab #9 ? Skill Points Spoils of War: 15% chance to earn double Money in Missions

Updated Missions List:
Level Location Mission Energy Allies Cash Low Cash High Cash Avg Cash / Energy Exp Exp / Energy Loot Required Equipment
1 Tab #1 Fend off Enemy Attack 9 1 750 2,250 1,500 167 1 0.111 Buyable Units  
1 Tab #1 Hunt Down Enemies 28 1 3,500 6,500 5,000 179 3 0.107 Prisoner (1) Minigunners
2 Tab #1 Train Armed Forces 45 1 5,000 15,000 10,000 222 5 0.111 Cadet Squad (3) Minigunners (1) Supply Truck
3 Tab #1 Seize Enemy 39 1 5,000 15,000 10,000 256 4 0.103 Buyable Units (5) Minigunners (1) Cruiser (2) Fighter
3 Tab #1 Locate Enemy Camp 50 1 10,000 18,000 14,000 280 5 0.100 Buyable Units (5) Minigunners (1) Hum-Vee
3 Tab #1 Establish Base Defense 70 1 13,000 25,000 19,000 271 7 0.100 Patrol Unit (4) Marines (2) Hum-Vee
4 Tab #1 Destroy Enemy Base 78 1 12,000 37,000 24,500 314 8 0.103 Buyable Units (4) Fireteam (1) Light Tank
5 Tab #1 Invade Enemy Territory 98 1 23,000 42,000 32,500 332 10 0.102 Buyable Units (3) Supply Truck (2) Transport (1) Cargo Chopper
6 Tab #2 Set Up Military Camp 30 1 6,000 17,000 11,500 383 3 0.100 Light Machine Gunner (10) Marines (5) Supply Truck (2) Cargo Chopper
7 Tab #2 Scout Out Enemy 35 1 9,000 17,000 13,000 371 4 0.114   (6) Paratroopers (3) Patrol Plane
7 Tab #2 Sink Enemy Boats 61 1 20,000 38,000 29,000 475 4 0.066   (15) Marines (2) Frigate (2) Fighter
8 Tab #2 Intercept Shipment 33 1 7,000 22,000 14,500 439 3 0.091 Corvette (25) Marines (2) Mobile Artillery
8 Tab #2 Ship Supplies to Troops 67 1 15,000 46,000 30,500 455 7 0.104   (2) Cruiser (2) Transport (1) Frigate
9 Tab #2 Shoot Down Aircraft 52 1 18,000 33,000 25,500 490 5 0.096   (8) Fighter (1) Harrier Jet
10 Tab #2 Investigate Wreckage 50 1 14,000 42,000 28,000 560 5 0.100 Avionics Engineers (7) Paratroopers (4) Patrol Plane
10 Tab #2 Prepare Army to March 112 1 18,000 33,000 25,500 228 11 0.098   (50) Minigunners (5) Hum-Vee (2) Light Tank
11 Tab #3 Infiltrate Western Border 60 1 16,000 48,000 32,000 533 6 0.100 Wiesel 2 Mortar Unit (8) Paratroopers (1) Armored Personnel Carrier (2) Harrier Jet
12 Tab #3 Take out Western Forces 64 2 30,000 90,000 60,000 938 7 0.109   (20) Grenadiers (3) Armored Personnel Carrier (3) Harrier Jet
14 Tab #3 Discover Reinforcements 39 3 42,000 78,000 60,000 1,538 4 0.103 M163 Anti-aircraft Vehicle (35) Grenadiers (4) Armored Personnel Carrier (4) Comanche Helicopter
15 Tab #3 Repel Counterattack 48 3 72,000 134,000 103,000 2,146 5 0.104 Mobile Howitzer Cannon (35) Grenadiers (12) Stealth Tank
16 Tab #3 Bombard Enemy Defenses 101 5 127,000 380,000 253,500 2,510 10 0.099 SA-8 Gecko Missile Launcher (10) Grenadiers (3) Submarine (1) Wiesel 2 Mortar Unit
18 Tab #3 Destroy Enemy Lab 71 7 165,000 306,000 235,500 3,317 7 0.099 Biosoldier Unit (35) Snipers (20) Stealth Tank
20 Tab #3 Confiscate Bioweapons 67 9 146,000 438,000 292,000 4,358 7 0.104 Bioweapon Scientists (20) Snipers (7) Heavy Equipment Transporter (7) Comanche Helicopter
20 Tab #3 Destroy Power Centers 172 9 500,000 1,000,000 750,000 4,360 18 0.105   (20) Grenadiers (8) Stealth Tank (8) B-1 Lancer
21 Tab #4 Locate Submarines 70 11 160,000 480,000 320,000 4,571 7 0.100 Thresher Submarine (1) Helicopter Carrier (7) Stealth Jet
22 Tab #4 Set Mines in Ocean 92 12 350,000 650,000 500,000 5,435 9 0.098   (2) Cruiser (7) Helicopter Carrier
23 Tab #4 Secure Shoreline 55 13 200,000 371,000 285,500 5,191 5 0.091 Guardian Patrol Boat (10) Snipers (3) Battleship (7) Stealth Jet
24 Tab #4 Protect Arriving Ships 133 14 367,000 1,100,000 733,500 5,515 13 0.098   (6) Amphibious Assault Vehicle (5) Battleship (1) Guardian Patrol Boat
25 Tab #4 Level Enemy City 69 15 433,000 1,300,000 866,500 12,558 7 0.101 Annihilator Fighter (10) Battleship (12) B-1 Lancer
26 Tab #4 Cut Off Enemy Oil Supply 104 16 945,000 1,755,000 1,350,000 12,981 11 0.106   (10) Heavy Equipment Transporter (10) Helicopter Carrier (30) Comanche Helicopter
27 Tab #4 Air Raid 75 17 567,000 1,700,000 1,133,500 15,113 7 0.093 SU-34 Fullback Bomber (6) B-1 Lancer (8) Stealth Jet (10) X-15 Supersonic Aircraft
28 Tab #4 Take out Supply Depots 224 18 2,800,000 5,200,000 4,000,000 17,857 22 0.098 Koalitcia-SV Artillery (12) Battleship (12) Apache Helicopter
30 Tab #5 Capture Enemy Fighters 112 21 1,500,000 3,000,000 2,250,000 20,089 11 0.098 Rebel Fighter (21) Rocketeers (21) Apache Helicopter (1) SU-34 Fullback Bomber
31 Tab #5 Locate Recon Centers 172 22 2,200,000 7,000,000 4,600,000 26,744 17 0.099   (40) Rocketeers (20) Armored Snow Hovercraft (26) X-15 Supersonic Aircraft
32 Tab #5 Disrupt Communications 360 23 7,000,000 12,000,000 9,500,000 26,389 36 0.100 Amphibious Command Ship (12) Rocketeers (22) Mammoth Tank (86) Apache Helicopter
34 Tab #5 Take out Base Patrols 125 24 2,600,000 8,000,000 5,300,000 42,400 13 0.104   (28) Mammoth Tank (17) Apache Helicopter (1) Koalitcia-SV Artillery
36 Tab #5 Perform Surprise Attack 166 27 4,500,000 11,000,000 7,750,000 46,687 17 0.102 Raptor Jet (22) Corner Shot Recon (45) SSM Launcher (28) B-2 Bomber
38 Tab #5 Capture Enemy Spies 112 30 4,200,000 13,000,000 8,600,000 76,786 11 0.098 Stealth Infiltrator (18) Commandos (25) Otokar Cobra Armored Vehicle (25) Horizon Frigate
40 Tab #5 Locate Nuclear Silo 239 35 17,000,000 28,000,000 22,500,000 94,142 24 0.100   (30) Mammoth Tank (22) Horizon Frigate (65) F-18 Super Hornet Fighter
41 Tab #5 Destroy Nuclear Facility 508 39 25,000,000 81,000,000 53,000,000 104,331 51 0.100 Nuclear Squad (75) M-ATV Ambush Protected Vehicle (68) Borey Class Missile Submarine (94) F-18 Super Hornet Fighter
43 Tab #6 Conquer Enemy Outpost 155 41 15,000,000 25,000,000 20,000,000 129,032 16 0.103   (20) M-ATV Ambush Protected Vehicle (10) Type 45 Destroyer (16) F-18 Super Hornet Fighter
46 Tab #6 Defend Position 172 45 16,000,000 35,000,000 25,500,000 148,256 18 0.105   (28) AHED Hybrid Electric Tank (45) Borey Class Missile Submarine (21) IAI Harop UAV
48 Tab #6 Set up Defensive Network 325 48 39,000,000 65,000,000 52,000,000 160,000 34 0.105   (38) M-ATV Ambush Protected Vehicle (72) Scorpene Submarine (57) IAI Harop UAV
50 Tab #6 Assemble Naval Fleet 131 51 15,000,000 25,000,000 20,000,000 152,672 13 0.099 Eurocopter Tiger (52) PackBot Robot Troopers (16) Predator Armored Tank (30) F-15 Silent Eagle Fighter
51 Tab #6 Attack Piracy Operation 125 53 14,000,000 33,000,000 23,500,000 188,000 13 0.104   (19) Scorpene Submarine (25) F-15 Silent Eagle Fighter
52 Tab #6 Conquer Coastal Base 438 56 72,000,000 106,000,000 89,000,000 203,196 46 0.105   (54) Predator Armored Tank (62) Type 45 Destroyer (94) F-15 Silent Eagle Fighter
54 Tab #6 Reinforce Ally Capital 227 61 29,000,000 56,000,000 42,500,000 187,225 24 0.106   (85) PackBot Robot Troopers (42) Piranha V Armored Vehicle (40) F-15 Silent Eagle Fighter
55 Tab #6 Force Enemy to Retreat 546 64 60,000,000 125,000,000 92,500,000 169,414 56 0.103 NLOS-C (75) Piranha V Armored Vehicle (88) DDG 1000 Destroyer (94) Havoc Helicopter
56 Tab #7 Deploy Scout Planes 192 66 37,000,000 62,000,000 49,500,000 257,813 20 0.104   (53) DDG 1000 Destroyer (31) F-15 Silent Eagle Fighter
57 Tab #7 Spread Fleet Position 277 67 54,000,000 90,000,000 72,000,000 259,928 29 0.105   (90) DDG 1000 Destroyer (42) Havoc Helicopter
58 Tab #7 Launch Submarine Force 455 69 112,000,000 187,000,000 149,500,000 328,571 48 0.105   (98) Elite Dreadnought (98) Scorpene Submarine (98) DDG 1000 Destroyer
60 Tab #7 Assault Enemy Fleet 285 71 40,000,000 115,000,000 77,500,000 271,930 29 0.102 Patriot Missile System (42) Heavy Assault Squad (55) Warthog Tracked Carrier (94) Elite Dreadnought
61 Tab #7 Repel Air Support 322 75 85,000,000 131,000,000 108,000,000 335,404 33 0.102   (99) DDG 1000 Destroyer (59) Havoc Helicopter (65) F-15 Silent Eagle Fighter
62 Tab #7 Sink Enemy's Flagship 515 81 109,000,000 210,000,000 159,500,000 309,709 54 0.105   (92) Elite Dreadnought (92) Scorpene Submarine (99) MQ-8B Fire Scout Helicopter
63 Tab #7 Scatter Enemy's Fleet 251 85 71,000,000 118,000,000 94,500,000 376,494 26 0.104   (43) DDG 1000 Destroyer (16) Astute Class Submarine (16) MQ-8B Fire Scout Helicopter
65 Tab #7 Reconvene Fleet 350 89 79,000,000 164,000,000 121,500,000 347,143 35 0.100   (60) Elite Dreadnought (54) DDG 1000 Destroyer (62) Astute Class Submarine
66 Tab #7 Make Landfall 157 94 36,000,000 85,000,000 60,500,000 385,350 16 0.102   (92) Heavy Assault Squad (70) Warthog Tracked Carrier (24) MQ-8B Fire Scout Helicopter
67 Tab #7 Fortify Beachhead 248 97 75,000,000 100,000,000 87,500,000 352,823 26 0.105 Nuclear Submarine (58) Elite Dreadnought (40) Astute Class Submarine (1) Amphibious Command Ship
68 Tab #7 Storm Enemy Blockade 382 103 120,000,000 170,000,000 145,000,000 379,581 40 0.105   (99) Future Force Warrior Squad (99) Black Knight Unmanned Combat Vehicle (99) Havoc Helicopter
70 Tab #7 Send Forces Inland 615 109 130,000,000 298,000,000 214,000,000 347,967 62 0.101   (95) Hellfire Tank (90) Mitsubishi F3 Interceptor (70) BAE Mantis UAV
71 Tab #8 Fortify Defensive Position 237 113 50,000,000 130,000,000 90,000,000 379,747 24 0.101   (70) M110 Sniper Team (72) Black Knight Unmanned Combat Vehicle (49) Mitsubishi F3 Interceptor
72 Tab #8 Set-Up Operations Base 169 116 60,000,000 85,000,000 72,500,000 428,994 18 0.107   (54) LW50 Machine Gun Squad (70) Hellfire Tank (42) MQ-8B Fire Scout Helicopter
74 Tab #8 Send Recon Choppers 203 124 70,000,000 100,000,000 85,000,000 418,719 21 0.103   (65) Havoc Helicopter (65) MQ-8B Fire Scout Helicopter (1) Eurocopter Tiger
75 Tab #8 Identify Sniper Positions 654 127 260,000,000 401,000,000 330,500,000 505,352 65 0.099   (99) Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle (99) BAE Mantis UAV (99) AV-22 War Osprey Gunship
76 Tab #8 Employ Guerrilla Tactics 456 136 90,000,000 220,000,000 155,000,000 339,912 47 0.103   (88) XM-307 Grenade Machine Gun Squad (50) Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle (112) AV-22 War Osprey Gunship
78 Tab #8 Prevent Enemy Ambush 199 148 70,000,000 100,000,000 85,000,000 427,136 20 0.101   (80) M110 Sniper Team (30) BAE Mantis UAV (22) AV-22 War Osprey Gunship
79 Tab #8 Deploy Defoliant Planes 250 154 100,000,000 140,000,000 120,000,000 480,000 25 0.100   (42) F-15 Silent Eagle Fighter (60) AV-22 War Osprey Gunship
80 Tab #8 Send in Heavy Artillery 382 159 80,000,000 210,000,000 145,000,000 379,581 39 0.102   (58) Hellfire Tank (63) Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle (75) T-95 Battle Tank
81 Tab #8 Sabotage Enemy Vehicles 315 163 120,000,000 170,000,000 145,000,000 460,317 32 0.102   (95) XM-307 Grenade Machine Gun Squad (74) T-95 Battle Tank (22) CG(X) Guided Missile Cruiser
82 Tab #8 Demolish Enemy Base 225 170 60,000,000 100,000,000 80,000,000 355,556 23 0.102 Zubr Class Hovercraft (72) Astute Class Submarine (15) CG(X) Guided Missile Cruiser (1) Stealth Infiltrator
84 Tab #8 Take Military Prisoners 447 174 100,000,000 240,000,000 170,000,000 380,313 45 0.101   (80) LW50 Machine Gun Squad (112) T-95 Battle Tank (60) CG(X) Guided Missile Cruiser
85 Tab #8 Question Enemy Officer 682 179 220,000,000 370,000,000 295,000,000 432,551 70 0.103   (45) XM 1202 Mounted Combat System (84) CG(X) Guided Missile Cruiser (99) Sikorsky X2 Helicopter
86 Tab #9 Collect Aerial Images 301 185 100,000,000 180,000,000 140,000,000 465,116 31 0.103   (22) PAK-FA Fighter (50) Sikorsky X2 Helicopter
87 Tab #9 Roll Out Infantry 168 189 40,000,000 90,000,000 65,000,000 386,905 17 0.101   (70) Railgun Troopers (70) Mobile Infantry Marines (32) XM 1202 Mounted Combat System
89 Tab #9 Flank Enemy Troops 511 195 110,000,000 340,000,000 225,000,000 440,313 52 0.102   (70) Mobile Infantry Marines (75) Titan Self Propelled Artillery Tank (92) Sikorsky X2 Helicopter
90 Tab #9 Disrupt Supply Lines 140 202 46,000,000 80,000,000 63,000,000 450,000 14 0.100   (14) Titan Self Propelled Artillery Tank (22) PAK-FA Fighter (1) Patriot Missile System
92 Tab #9 Use Scorched Earth Policy 525 210 110,000,000 300,000,000 205,000,000 390,476 53 0.101   (45) XM-307 Grenade Machine Gun Squad (43) Titan Self Propelled Artillery Tank (80) Boeing NGB Bomber
93 Tab #9 Launch MRBMs from Sea 422 224 140,000,000 250,000,000 195,000,000 462,085 43 0.102   (22) XM-307 Grenade Machine Gun Squad (55) UXV Combatant (1) Nuclear Submarine
94 Tab #9 Conduct Bombing Runs 386 237 80,000,000 210,000,000 145,000,000 375,648 39 0.101   (25) PAK-FA Fighter (74) Boeing NGB Bomber
95 Tab #9 Engage in Aerial Combat 197 251 60,000,000 99,000,000 79,500,000 403,553 20 0.102   (15) PAK-FA Fighter (15) Sikorsky X2 Helicopter (15) AV-22 War Osprey Gunship
96 Tab #9 Occupy Enemy City 455 260 90,000,000 250,000,000 170,000,000 373,626 46 0.101   (52) Mobile Infantry Marines (85) Titan Self Propelled Artillery Tank (1) Zubr Class Hovercraft
98 Tab #9 Establish Prisoner Camp 156 279 50,000,000 79,000,000 64,500,000 413,462 16 0.103   (96) Mobile Infantry Marines (12) XM 1202 Mounted Combat System (16) Sikorsky X2 Helicopter
99 Tab #9 Uncover Nuclear Program 657 290 210,000,000 368,000,000 289,000,000 439,878 68 0.104   (99) Titan Self Propelled Artillery Tank (99) Boeing NGB Bomber (1) Nuclear Squad
100 Tab #9 Destroy Research Facility 757 300 230,000,000 312,000,000 271,000,000 357,992 75 0.099 Dark Sword Aircraft (99) M110 Sniper Team (99) Titan Self Propelled Artillery Tank (99) Boeing NGB Bomber

Exp / Energy: Calculates how much experience you will receive per Energy point spent on a Mission.
Money / Enegy: Calculates how much Money (based on the average of the range) you will receive per Energy point spent on a Mission.



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